5 Reasons to see an Introverted therapist

I am going to step into an uncomfortable space for me- I am going to let you know what I’m good at.

This has historically been pretty hard for me. I don’t like the attention. I don’t like to feel as though I’m bragging.

What I have learned is that sometimes as introverts, we let these feelings be in charge and we stay small.

When we do this, we watch others be promoted, we watch others get the job that we applied for, we watch others become friends, we watch others start to date someone we have a crush on; we essentially watch life on the sidelines and take what is left over.

It doesn’t have to be like that.

Even when it feels uncomfortable, we are still allowed to claim what we are good at; claim the things we want. Just because we are naturally quiet, does not mean we always have to stay quiet.

One of my favorite experts on introversion, Beth Buelow (author of Introvert Entrepreneur) speaks about stretching ourselves. I love this concept because it isn’t about changing ourselves, but stretching just a bit out of our comfort zone when necessary. Most of you have likely done this, but maybe not had the awareness.

So, here I am going to stretch myself and claim what I am good at in a respectful and non-apologetic way 

So, I am claiming that I am a good therapist.

That felt okay to say.

But feels tricky to expand on.

I will try.

To make it less overwhelming, I will think of 5 reasons.

  1. I am a good therapist because I have the ability to see how the past keeps us stuck. I also have the ability to help people go from being stuck, to realize why they are stuck, and how to move past this.
  2. I am a kind, gentle person and I can be with people in grief, sadness, confusion, anger. I stay by their side. I don’t make them feel bad for what they are feeling or thinking. I know the pathway through healing and how to get on with living.
  3. I understand the complexity of human nature so I know that there is rarely a quick fix to a long-term problem.

Hmm, now it feels like bragging, now I wonder if you are judging me as you read this. Thoughts that show up for me are: I’m acting bigheaded, no one cares, make sure you make space for other people, take up as little space as possible, I’m too boring to listen to…

I now realize these thoughts keep me small and I don’t want to be small anymore.

I’m at a place where I can hear this negative talk and am more able to make a choice to listen to it, or ignore it. And as I continue to stretch myself, the less I listen to the negative.

So back to my list….I will continue to stretch.

    1. I am an experienced, trained therapist, helping people in various ways for the past 25 years. And also having spent time as a client in a therapist office, I understand how vulnerable it is to show up for counselling.
    2. I am a specialist in a niche area, using my intimate knowledge of introversion and therapy to help others cherish who they are.

Okay, so I stretched and it didn’t feel too bad.

In what ways do you want to stretch? What are you good at that you want to claim?

I would love to hear! Feel free to email me or reach out for a complimentary call. Or, if you want to keep it private, maybe write in a journal.

Whichever way you do it, celebrate you.